Partnering with Spotify's COVID-19 Music Relief Initiative


Since the Hall doors have been closed, the 60 musicians who grace the stage at 726 St. Peter have been without work and in need of support. Thanks to the amazing donors and supporters of the Preservation Hall Foundation, we have been able to provide weekly stipends and additional resources to our musicians to help them weather this crisis.

We’re in this for the long haul. Which is why we are so thankful for our friends at Spotify, who have pledged to match donations made to the Preservation Hall Foundation as part of their COVID-19 Music Relief initiative!

As one of only a handful of nonprofit partners worldwide, the Preservation Hall Foundation will receive the matched donations until Spotify reaches its dedicated $10 million contribution across all its nonprofit partners.

Being selected has been an incredible blessing to our musicians and the Preservation Hall family so far, and we are so thankful to Spotify and everyone who has donated to help support the tradition bearers who call Preservation Hall home.

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